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Grey Brick Wall

Membership Options

From individual to group lessons we have something for everyone at Coastal Sports Performance! All monthly training subscriptions include personally tailored one-on-one instruction, Rapsodo analytic evaluations (age applicable), training program, progression plan, and 10% off of camps and clinics, plus UNLIMITED access to the indoor facility during operational hours (subject to availability). This means you can come get your work in-between your scheduled lessons at no extra charge! As of 11/2023 all membership options are SOLD OUT. except for the Facility Membership. Please join the membership waiting list on the homepage to reserve your place in order.

  • Individual Training Session (One-on-One)

    Single training session one-on-one.
    • Single one hour training session.
  • Monthly Indoor Facility Membership

    Every month
    Unlimited use of the CSP Indoor Facility and equipment during operational hours (excluding Waves practices). Operational hours vary and are posted online seasonally.

      Every month
      Two, one hour individual sessions. 10% of all camps and clinics. Unlimited use of facility during operational hours. (Hours may vary)
      • One Hour Lesson

      Every month
      Four, one hour one-on-one sessions per month. 10% off all camps/clinics. Unlimited use of facility during operational hours. (Hours may vary)
      • One Hour Lesson

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